IC 814 The Kandhar Hijack Review

IC 814 Netflix

...As I started recording this review, I realized that it's not really the best time or day for me to review something because my throat's gone and I've hardly slept the night before. So yeah, it's not a great time, but I'm still going to try and do this... ...  More

Chandu Champion – A Biased Review

Chandu Champion

Big disclaimer before I start this review. This one is going to be biased, no matter how much I try, I do not think it's going to be possible for me to give an unbiased view, at least not completely unbiased. But I'm still going to try my best and... ...  More

Jugjug Jeeyo Movie Review

jug 5

Nothing pathbreaking here which was not surprising. I went in to have a good time but that was delivered in very small doses, and rather sporadically. There isn’t much happening to keep you invested and there is no deep dive into the characters. Whatever is shown is from a consistent level of depth, occasionally surfacing from the shallow to crack some jokes. ...  More

Jersey (2022) Movie Review

Shahid Kapoor shouting at platform in Jersey

After being postponed on numerous occasions (covid, lack of sufficient screens), Jersey (2022), starring Shahid Kapoor, finally hit theatres this Friday. The makers of Jersey (2022) wanted to release the film in theatres and not on OTT as they felt it was best suited for the big screen. I am a little biased on this topic, but I strongly feel that they were right. As much as I love the convenience and choices offered by OTT, I always prefer watching films in the cinema. I am someone who watches films for much more than just entertainment. When I watch a film, I am looking to get lost in the story, to see through the eyes of the director, to fall in love with a character, and to jump at the falling of a random object on screen. At home, doing all this is not impossible but extremely difficult, with phone calls, door bells and what not. In short, Jersey is absolutely worth watching in the theatres. ...  More