Luke Cage Season 2 Review

luke cage 2

2018 seems to be the year of great sophomore seasons. After Goliath, and 13 Reasons Why, comes season 2 of Luke Cage, and lands a massive punch. The season is set-up rather awkwardly because even though there is a recap, it is for season 1. However, those who have followed Marvel shows on Netflix would know that Defenders came after Luke Cage season 1. The storyline in Defenders did cause changes in Luke’s universe, unfortunately, there is no recap of what happened in Defenders. Hence, people who have not seen the show may be surprised to see Misty Knight, missing one of her arms. To know the entire backstory, you will have to watch Defenders and also Iron Fist…actually don’t torture yourself…just watch Defenders.  ...  More

13 Reasons Why Season 2 Review

13 reasons why season 2

13 Reasons Why season 1 took the entertainment world by storm. Immediately upon its release, this was all anybody was talking about. A key aspect of the debate was, whether the show glorifies suicide or not. In my opinion, it does not. I loved the first season but was confused when it ended the way it did. I was really hoping for closure. It was also confusing because I was not completely sure why they would want to use a complete season to show the trial. This show is not a courtroom drama, and I really did not want it to become one. Now that I have close to binge-watched the second season, I can say I am more than satisfied with the result. ...  More

Goliath Season 2 Review

Goliath season 2 BIlly Bob Thronton

Goliath, now in its sophomore season, continues the story Billy McBride, played by the exceptional Billy Bob Thornton. In season 1, Billy was shown as a big shot lawyer who was ousted from his own firm 'Cooperman McBride' many years ago. Now, he is a drunk, and living in a motel. The entire season 1 (8 episodes) had him taking on a corporate wrongdoing case against the firm he founded.  It was a true David vs Goliath story. Billy Bob Thornton gave an award-winning (Best Actor, Golden Globes 2017) performance and made for total binge-worthy viewing. ...  More

Silicon Valley Season 5 Review

silicon valley

For the last 5 years, Silicon Valley has consistently delivered incredibly funny satire on the new age tech business. In doing so, it has touched upon various issues the industry is infamous for like gender diversity, outlook towards race and colour, bench strength the size of an empire, quick-fire pink slips, the extravagance of wealth by tech moguls and young entrepreneurs alike. ...  More