The Tender Bar is unpretentious and warm. This coming-of-age drama (based on the memoir of JR Moehringer) may not be devoid of cliché, but what makes it worth watching is Ben Affleck’s performance. ...
Filmy Fool | Films, Series, Books & more
Reviews and Opinions
Filmy Fool | Films, Series, Books & more
Reviews and Opinions
The Tender Bar is unpretentious and warm. This coming-of-age drama (based on the memoir of JR Moehringer) may not be devoid of cliché, but what makes it worth watching is Ben Affleck’s performance. ...
Friends is probably the most special show for me, as it would be for millions of people across the globe. I started watching it when I had just got into college and it was the time when my 'Friends' were my 'Family'. That time came and went, but Friends stayed within all of us. The beauty of the show was its repeat value. You could keep watching it over and over again. It was always funny, it was always warm, it was Friends. We all went through countless ups and downs in life, but the bond we made with these 6 friends was the one constant thing in our lives. ...
Sharing another set of films you can watch to keep your mind slightly less stressed and also lift your spirits a notch by having a few laughs. You can check out part 1 here ...
It is both fortunate and unfortunate that there has been an exponential rise in content. Not too long ago, when there was no Indian content other than the sappy Balaji Telefilm shows, we used to hunt for torrents of our favorite shows from the U.S. That changed dramatically with Netflix coming to India. Others followed suit so as to not miss the bus. Today, with so many platforms and so much content, the problem has only changed shape. We are surrounded by content, but finding what's right for you is a big challenge. To be fair, this is a good problem to have. I would rather have too many choices rather than no choice at all. ...
I have always loved watching animated films. That's because they are very rarely disastrous, usually are fun & entertaining and a lot of them leave you with a smile. ...